Early US History Full Curriculum | Differentiated Activities
This AMERICAN HISTORY COLONIALISM TO RECONSTRUCTION GROWING MEGA BUNDLE will include EVERYTHING you will need to plan for an engaging year in your US HISTORY classroom! Lots of Digital Distance Learning Activities. As the end of the year and summer approach, I will be adding units to this bundle. As items are added, the price will increase. I have included a detailed list of what is currently included in each unit and what you should expect in each unit as it continues to grow. Also, in a SUPER MEGA BUNDLE with MODERN AMERICAN HISTORY
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- This unit includes links to engaging resource in Dropbox and Google Format as well as direct PDF downloads.
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- American History Escape Room BUNDLE, American History Breakout Room BUNDLE
- American History Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints BUNDLE
- American History Timeline Relays with Google Link Bundle
- American History Colonialism to Reconstruction Word Wall Bundle
- American History Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep BUNDLE
- American History Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS BUNDLE
- American History Presidential, Mapping Research (Print, Digital, Google) BUNDLE
- American History Part 1 Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing, Paper and Digital, Google Version
- Civil War Generals Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing, Paper and Digital, Google Version
- American History Activities, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
- U.S. Historical Figures Word Wall, Profiles & Activity Pages with Google Link
- American History Activity Bundle, American History Foldable Bundle
- American History DBQ Activities, Primary & Secondary Sources BUNDLE
- American History Map Activity and Research, Mapping American History BUNDLE-Interactive Notebook and Other Engaging Activities Will Be Added as completed
- Early American History Research and Writing Cube BUNDLE
COLONIALISM, Click to Preview Listed Activities
- 13 Colonies Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
- Colonialism Word Wall Pennants
-13 Colonies Research Cube
- Colonialism Timeline Activities with Google Link
-Colonialism DBQ
-Important Documents in US History Word Wall
-Important Documents in US History Anchor Charts
-COLONIAL AMERICA Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-Colonial America Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-American Colonies- American Revolution (King George III) Mapping and Research Interactive Notebook in Print and Google Versions
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-American Colonies Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-13 Colonies Activity, 13 Colonies Foldable
-13 Colonies Digital Escape Room, 13 Colonies Breakout Room Test Prep
-13 Colonies Collaborative Poster, 13 Colonies Doodle Notes, Print & GOOGLE Notes
-13 Colonies Map Activity and Research Graphic Organizer, Mapping the 13 Colonies
ROAD TO REVOLUTION BUNDLE, Click to Preview Listed Activities
- Road to Revolution Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
- Road to Revolution Word Wall Pennants
- Road to Revolution Timeline Activities with Google Link
-Road to Revolution DBQ (Print and Google)
-Paul Revere Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-King George III Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-ROAD TO REVOLUTION Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-Declaration of Independence Activity
-Road to Revolution Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-American Colonies- American Revolution (King George III) Research Mapping (Print and Google)
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" Speech Analysis and Writing Activity with Digital (Google) and Print Option
-Causes of American Revolution Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Road to Revolution Activity, Road to Revolution Foldable
-Road to Revolution Digital Escape Room, Road to Revolution Breakout Room
-Road to Revolution Collaborative Poster, Doodle Graphic Notes, Print & GOOGLE
-Road To Revolution Map Activity and Research, Mapping the Road to Revolution
-French and Indian War Map Activity and Research, Mapping the French and Indian War
-Interactive Notebook and Other Engaging Activities Will Be Added as completed
AMERICAN REVOLUTION BUNDLE, Click to Preview Listed Activities
- American Revolution Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
- Power Point, Guided Notes Teacher and Student Copy
-American Revolution War Game Cards (I Have, Who Has)
-American Revolution Choice Board Activities (Paper and Google Drive Versions)
-American Revolution DBQ (Paper and Google Drive Versions)
-American Revolution Timeline Relay and Writing Activities (Paper and Google Drive Versions)
American Revolution Pennant Word Wall
American Revolution Biography Cube
Paul Revere Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
Patrick Henry Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
King George III Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
AMERICAN REVOLUTION Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
American Revolution Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
American Colonies- American Revolution (King George III) Research and Mapping Activities (Google and Print)
-Battles of American Revolution Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Leaders of the American Revolution Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-American Revolution Activity, American Revolution Foldable
-American Revolution Digital Escape Room, American Revolution Breakout Room
-American Revolution Collaborative Poster, American Revolution Doodle Notes, American Revolution Activity, Research
-American Revolution Map Activity and Research, Mapping the American Revolution
-American Revolution Vocabulary Puzzles Print and Google App
BUILDING A NEW NATION (Articles of Confederation) BUNDLE, click to preview activities below

- Building a New Nation Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
-Teacher and Student Copy of Guided Notes (8 pages), Teacher PowerPoint Presentation (44 slides)
-Vocabulary Words and Student Outline (6 pages)
-Review Pages (3 pages)
-Declaration of Independence Questions (2 pages)
-Quiz (3 pages)
-New Nation I Have, Who Has Game Cards
-New Nation Anchor Charts
-New Nation Choice Board Including 18 Activities with 21 Activity Pages and Google Drive Link for Digital or Paper Classroom
-U.S. Colonies DBQs and Writing Prompt (Paper and Google Drive Versions)
-Colonial Era Sequencing Relays, Research, and Writing (ELA Cross Curriculum)-Google Drive Version Included
-Road to Revolution Sequencing Relays, Research, and Writing (ELA Cross Curriculum)-Google Drive Version Included
-Building a New Nation Pennant Word Wall
-13 Colonies Research Cube and Writing Extension
-Founding Fathers Activity, Founding Fathers Research and Writing Cube
-George Washington’s First Inaugural Address
-Outline Notes Just the Essentials
-Benjamin Franklin Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-New Nation I Cans, Student Self-Assessment of Mastery
-Founding Fathers Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-New Nation Activity, New Nation Foldable
-Founding Fathers Activity, Founding Fathers Foldable
-New Nation Digital Escape Room, New Nation Breakout Room
CONSTITUTION BUNDLE, click to preview activities below
- Constitution Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
-Constitution Teacher and Student Copy of Guided Notes (20 pages)
-Constitution Teacher PowerPoint Presentation (71 Slides)
-Constitution Vocabulary Words and Student Outline (12 pages)
-Constitution Test and Answer Key (4 pages)
-Constitution I Have, Who Has Game Cards
-Choice Board Including 9 Activities with 14 Pages of Templates and Google Drive or Google Classroom Link
-Amendments Timeline Relay Cards, Historical Investigation, and Informative Writing Prompt with Rubric (14 pages)
-Constitution Pennant Word Wall
-Branches of Government Research Cube and Writing Extension
-THE CONSTITUTION Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-The Constitution Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-The Constitution I Cans, Student Self-Assessment of Mastery
-Constitution Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Historical Documents in US History Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Principles of Constitution Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Legislative Branch Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Senate and House of Representatives Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Executive Branch Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Judicial Branch Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Local Government Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Citizenship Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-Constitution Activity, Constitution Foldable
-Branches of Government Activity, Branches of Government Foldable
-Legislative Branch Activity, Legislative Branch Foldable
-Executive Branch Activity, Executive Branch Foldable
-Judicial Branch Activity, Judicial Branch Foldable
-Bill of Rights Activity, Bill of Rights Foldable
-Amendments Activity, Amendments Foldable
-Citizenship Activity, Citizenship Foldable
-Constitution Digital Escape Room, Constitution Breakout Room, Test Prep
-Constitution Collaborative Poster, Doodle Graphic Notes, Print & GOOGLE
THE FEDERALIST ERA BUNDLE, Click to Preview Listed Activities
- The Federalist Era Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
- The Federalist Era Word Wall Pennants
- Federalist Ear Timeline with Print and Google Link
-Federalist Era Activity, Federalist Era DBQ, Google and Print
-George Washington’s First Inaugural Address Analysis
-Abigail Adams Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-THE FEDERALIST ERA - WASHINGTON AND ADAMS Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-Federalist Era Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-Federalist Era 1789-1804 (Presidents George Washington to John Adams) Guided Presidential Research and Mapping Digital and Paper Interactive Notebook
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-George Washington "Farewell Address" Speech Analysis and Writing Activity with Digital (Google) and Print Option
-Federalist Era Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Bill of Rights Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Federalist Era Activity, Federalist Era Foldable
-Federalist Era Digital Escape Room, Federalist Era Breakout Room
-Federalist Era Collaborative Poster, Doodle Graphic Notes, Print & GOOGLE
-Interactive Notebook and Other Engaging Activities Will Be Added as completed
- Western Expansion Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
-Growth of a Nation Word Wall Pennants
- Westward Expansion, Growth of a Nation Timeline with Print and Google Link
-Westward Expansion Activity, Westward Expansion DBQ, Google and Print
- Sitting Bull Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-WESTERN EXPANSION AND GROWTH OF THE NATION 1800-1850 Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 1800S Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-MANIFEST DESTINY Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-Western Expansion and Conflict, 1800-1848, Jefferson to Taylor Presidencies Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-Industrial Revolution and Expansion 1800s Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-Expansion and Conflict, 1818-1853, Manifest Destiny Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
- Sacagawea Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
- Western Expansion Word Wall Pennants (American History)
- Western Expansion Mapping Activity
-Western Expansion and Conflict Part 1, 1804-1828 (Presidents Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J.Q. Adams, Jackson) Guided Presidential Research and Mapping Digital and Paper Interactive Notebook
-Western Expansion and Conflict Part 2, 1829-1860 (Presidents Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce) Guided Presidential Research and Mapping Digital and Paper Interactive Notebook
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-Chief Joseph "Surrender" Speech Analysis and Writing Activity with Digital (Google) and Print Option
-Industrial Revolution Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Western Expansion Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Louisiana Purchase Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-War of 1812 Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Manifest Destiny Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Jeffersonian Era Activity, Jeffersonian Era Foldable
-Madison Presidency Activity, Madison Presidency Foldable
-War of 1812 Activity, War of 1812 Foldable
-Monroe Presidency Activity, Monroe Presidency Foldable
-Age of Jackson Activity, Age of Jackson Foldable
-Western Expansion Activity, Manifest Destiny Foldable
-Western Expansion Digital Escape Room, Western Expansion Breakout Room Test Prep
-War of 1812 Map Activity and Research, Mapping the War of 1812, PowerPoint
Native American Displacement DBQ, Western Expansion DBQ, Google and Print
REFORM MOVEMENTS BUNDLE, Click to Preview Listed Activities
- Reform Movements Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
-Reform Movements Timeline with Print and Google Link
-Reform Movements Word Wall Pennants
-Amelia J. Bloomer Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-Harriet Beecher Stowe Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-Victoria Woodhull Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-Lucretia Mott Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-REFORM MOVEMENTS Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-Reform Movements, 1820-1860 Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-Reform Movements 1800s Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Reform Movements Activity, Reform Movements Foldable
-Reform Movements Digital Escape Room, Reform Movements Breakout Room
-Reform Movements DBQ, Document Based Questions Google and Print
-Interactive Notebook and Other Engaging Activities Will Be Added as completed
SECTIONALISM AND THE CIVIL WAR BUNDLE, Click to Preview Listed Activities
- Sectionalism Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
- The Civil War Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
-The Civil War Digital Escape Room, The Civil War Breakout Room, Test Prep, Google Classroom
- The Civil War Timeline with Print and Google Link
- The Civil War Word Wall Pennants
- The Civil War Wheel of Knowledge
- The Civil War Compare and Contrast the North and South
-Civil War Research Cubes
-Civil War Biography Research Cubes
- Abraham Lincoln’s the Gettysburg Address Speech Analysis
-Clara Barton Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, and Writing
- The Civil War Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, and Writing
-Abraham Lincoln Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, and Writing
-Harriet Tubman Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, and Writing
-Ulysses S. Grant Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, and Writing
-Robert E. Lee Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, and Writing
-SECTIONALISM - NORTH AND SOUTH Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-CIVIL WAR Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-Sectionalism 1820-1860, North and South Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-The Civil War, 1861-1865 Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-Sectionalism and The Civil War 1857-1865 (Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln) Guided Presidential Research and Mapping Digital and Paper Interactive Notebook
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-Civil War Generals Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing
-Abraham Lincoln "A House Divided" Speech Analysis and Writing Activity with Digital (Google) and Print Option
-Sectionalism Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Civil War Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Battles of Civil War Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Leaders of Civil War Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-North vs. South Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Sectionalism Activity, Sectionalism Foldable
-Civil War Activity, Civil War Foldable
-Civil War Digital Escape Room, Civil War Breakout Room, Test Prep
-Sectionalism Digital Escape Room, Sectionalism Breakout Room
-Civil War DBQ, Document Based Questions, Primary and Secondary Sources
-Sectionalism Map Activity and Research, Mapping Sectionalism PowerPoint
-The Civil War Map Activity and Research, Mapping the Civil War PowerPoint
RECONSTRUCTION BUNDLE, Click to Preview Listed Activities
- Reconstruction Agenda PowerPoint & Google Slides, American History Agenda
- Reconstruction Timeline with Print and Google Link
- Reconstruction Word Wall Pennants
-RECONSTRUCTION Picture Puzzle Unit Review, Study Guide, Test Prep
-Reconstruction 1865-1877 Outline Notes JUST THE ESSENTIALS
-Reconstruction, 1865-1877 (Presidents Lincoln, Johnson, Grant) Guided Presidential Research and Mapping Digital and Paper Interactive Notebook
-Interactive Guided Notes and PowerPoints
-Reconstruction Activity, Wheel of Knowledge (Interactive Notebook)
-Reconstruction Activity, Reconstruction Foldable
-Reconstruction Digital Escape Room, Reconstruction Breakout Room, Test Prep
-Reconstruction DBQ, Document Based Questions, Primary and Secondary Sources
-Reconstruction Map Activity and Research, Mapping Reconstruction
-Interactive Notebook and Other Engaging Activities Will Be Added as completed
- US Historical Figures Word Wall and Profile Activities
- Primary and Secondary Word Sort Activity
- Push and Pull Word Sort Activity
- American History End of Year Review Activity US History Test Prep Back To School
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