Social Emotional Learning Awareness
What is Social Emotional Learning?
- Applying the knowledge, attitude, and skills to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, demonstrate empathy, have positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
What are some common skills that student should practice?
- Practicing Empathy
- Impulse Control
- Emotional Awareness
- Emotional Control
- Managing Emotions
- Communication
- Positive Assertiveness
- Finding Solutions
- Goal-Directed Behavior
- Personal Responsibility
- Responsible Decision Making
- Positive Thinking
- Social awareness- Relationships Skills
- Self-Management
- Self-Awareness
- Disagreeing Respectfully
- Showing Kindness
- What are some ways to incorporate social emotional learning skills into your daily routine?
What are some ways to incorporate social emotional learning skills into your daily routine?
- Define: Make a student-friendly definitions with the students.
- Real-World Example: Use real world examples of the skill in practice and not in practice.
- Application to Self: Have students think about when they practiced this skill successfully.
- Recognition of Others: Have students recognize when others that demonstrated this skill or when others have not demonstrated this skill.
- Action Steps: Have students think about how they could get better at this skill.
Why is it vital for us to be aware and incorporate these social emotional learning acknowledgments and lessons in our classrooms?
- It ensures our students are given a safe and positive learning environment.
- It gives students additional tools to be successful in school.
- It prepares students to be successful in life.
- It improves student’s academic ability.
- It decreases student behavior incidents.
How will this help you build positive relationships with students?
- It makes students feel safe and welcome in your room.
- It builds the relationship between the teacher and student.
Do you need a resource to get you started? Check out my Social Emotional Learning Posters.
Thank you for your support! --Learned Lessons
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