Modern World History DBQ Close Reading Activity Google & Print

Modern World History DBQ Reading Activity, Google, History DBQ, Close Reading | World History Textbook Replacement | World History No Prep Activities

Are you looking for ways to engage students in reading content? Are you looking for resources to practice using document based questions?

These World History DBQs and Close Reading Activities are in both Print & Google versions for Google Classroom. Each set includes original reading passages and charts to have students analyze key content. Also part of Modern World History MEGA Bundle | World History DBQ Close Readings.

World History DBQ Reading ComprehensionWorld History DBQ Reading ComprehensionWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension
World History DBQ Reading ComprehensionWorld History DBQ Reading ComprehensionWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Historical Thinking
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension Mapping SkillsWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension ExplorationWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Renaissance
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension ReformationWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Absolution Royal PowerWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Scientific Revolution
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension English Civil WarWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension American RevolutionWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension French Revolution
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension Industrial RevolutionWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Cultural RevolutionWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Democracy Pre WWI Revolution
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension Nationalism Pre WWI RevolutionWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension World Imperialism RevolutionWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension World War I
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension 1920s 1930sWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Nationalism Pre WWIIWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension World War II
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension The Cold WarWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Asia Post WWIIWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Africa Post WWII
World History DBQ Reading Comprehension Middle East Post WWIIWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Latin America Post WWIIWorld History DBQ Reading Comprehension Modern Times

Historical Thinking Skills DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print 

1. How to Read a Timeline

2. Primary & Secondary Sources

3. Historical Push and Pull Factors

4. Historical Thinking Skills

5. How to Analyze a Political Cartoon

6. How to Analyze a Primary Source

Basic Mapping Skills DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Primary & Secondary Sources

2. Historical Push and Pull Factors

3. Historical Thinking Skills

4. Basic Geography Facts

5. Latitude and Longitude

6. Five Themes of Geography Graphic

7. Climates

8. How to Read a Legend

9. All About Time zones

Middle Ages DBQ Close Readings in Google & Print

1. Middle Ages Characteristics of Civilizations

2. Crusades Timeline

3. European Civilizations

4. European Civilizations Mapping

5. Feudalism

6. Black Death Chart

7. Overview of The Magna Carta

8. Excerpt from The Magna Carta

9. The Impact of the Crusades

10.Middle Age Architecture

11.Religions in the Middle Ages

12.The Printing Press

13.Excerpt from The Printing Press

14.Excerpt from “Gutenburg and the Printing Revolution

in Europe”

Renaissance DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Characteristics of the Renaissance

2. Italian Renaissance

3. People of the Renaissance

4. Renaissance Art & Literature

5. Renaissance Economy

6. Renaissance Architecture

7. Timeline of the Renaissance

Reformation DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Characteristics of the Reformation Chart

2. People of the Reformation

3. Martin Luther

4. Henry VIII & the Reformation

5. Reformation Religions

6. Timeline of the Reformation

7. Effects of the Reformation
Exploration DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Royal Support of Exploration

2. Age of Exploration

3. Exploration Effects on Natives

4. Mock Letter from Columbus in Regular English

5. Explorers Chart

6. Timeline of Exploration
Royal Power & Absolutism DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Absolutism Timeline

2. Leaders during Absolutism

3. What is Absolutism?

4. Outline of Absolutism & Royal Power

5. 7 Years Wear

Scientific Revolution DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Inventors of the Scientific Revolution Chart

2. Scientific Revolution Timeline

3. People of the Scientific Revolution

4. Scientific Revolution Philosophers

5. Political Thoughts of the Scientific Revolution

6. Religious Movements During the Scientific


7. Art & the Scientific Revolution

8. Lasting Affects of the Scientific Revolution

9. Scientific Revolution Primary Source

English Civil War DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. English Civil War Timeline

2. People of the English Civil War

3. Lasting Affects of the English Civil War

4. The English Civil War Primary Source

5. Battles of the English Civil War

6. The Glorious Revolution

American Revolution DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. The American Revolution Timeline

2. People of the American Revolution

3. Lasting Affects of the American Revolution

4. ”Common Sense” by Thomas Paine

5. Battles of the American Revolution

6. Continental Congress Summary

7. Loyalist vs. Patriots

8. American Revolution Statistics

9. Declaration of Independence

10.English Citizens Views on American


French Revolution DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. The French Revolution Outline

2. French Revolution Timeline

3. French Revolution Key Players

4. Louis XVI

5. Rise and Fall of Napoleon

6. French Revolution Poem

7. French Revolution Lasting Effects

8. The Reign of Terror

Industrial Revolution DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Industrial Revolution Timeline

2. People of the Industrial Revolution

3. Lasting Affects of the Industrial Revolution

4. Industrial Revolution Primary Source

5. Key Points Industrial Revolution Chart

6. Industrial Revolution Inventions

Cultural Revolution DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. 1750-1914 Timeline

2. Social Changes from 1750-1914

3. Politician and Philosophers from 1750-1914

4. Artists from last 1700s to early 1800s

5. Famous Impressionists

6. Key Points Cultural Revolution Chart

Democracy Spreads Pre WWI DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Democracy Pre WWI Timeline

2. Democracy Pre WWII People

3. Lasting Affects of Democracy Pre WWI

4. Democracy Pre WWI Primary Source

5. Reforms in Britain Pre WWI

6. Reforms in Australia Pre WWI

7. U.S. Expansion Pre WWI

8. Independence in Latin America Pre WWI

Nationalism Spreads Pre WWI DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Nationalism Pre WWI Timeline

2. Nationalism Pre WWI Key Players

3. Lasting Affects of Nationalism Pre WWI

4. Nationalism Pre WWI Primary Source

5. Key Points of Nationalism Pre WWI Chart

6. Italy Pre WWI

7. Germany Pre WWI

8. Czars of Russia Pre WWI

9. Decline of Austria-Hungary Pre WWI

World Imperialism DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. World Imperialism Timeline

2. People of World Imperialism

3. Lasting Affects of World Imperialism

4. World Imperialism Primary Source

5. Key Points of World Imperialism

6. World Imperialism in Latin America

7. World Imperialism in Asia

8. World Imperialism in Africa

9. World Imperialism Affects on Society

World War I DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. World War I Timeline

2. People of World War I

3. Lasting Affects of World War I

4. Letter from a Solider in the Trenches Primary


5. Primary Source

6. Key Points of World War I Chart

7. Battles of World War I

8. Alliances of World War I

9. The Russian Revolution Key Points

10.Statistics of World War I

11.Inventions of World War I

12.End of World War I

1920s & 1930s DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. 1920s & 1930s Timeline

2. People of 1920s & 1930s

3. Between Two World Wars

4. Art Movement of the 1920s

5. Excerpt from “The Great Gatsby”

6. Key Points of the 1920s & 1930s Chart

7. Inventions of the 1920s & 1930s Chart

8. The Great Depression

9. The New Deal in the U.S.

10.The Rise of Dictators in the 1920s & 1930s

Nationalism Pre WWII DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Nationalism Before WWII Timeline

2. Nationalism Before WWII Key Players

3. Lasting Affects of Nationalism Before WWII

4. Nationalism Before WWII Primary Source

5. Nationalism Before WWII in the Middle East

6. Nationalism Before WWII in Africa

7. Nationalism Before WWII in India

8. Nationalism Before WWII in China

9. Nationalism Before WWII in Japan

10.Nationalism Before WWII in Latin America

World War II DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. World War II Outline

2. World War II Key Points

3. World War II Timeline

4. World war II Statistics

5. World War II Leaders

6. Battles of WWII Chart

7. World War II Allied vs. Axis Powers

8. Lasting Affects of World War II

9. Causes of World War II

10.Hitler’s Acts of Aggression

11.Holocaust Statistics Chart

12.World War II Statistics Chart

13.Timeline of Nuremburg Acts

14.Outcome of Nuremburg Trials

15.Effects of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Cold War DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Cold War Timeline

2. People of the Cold War

3. Lasting Affects of the Cold War

4. Cold War Primary Source

5. East vs. West in the Cold War

6. Samples of Containment During the Cold


7. Events of the Cold War Chart

8. East vs. West Germany During the Cold War

9. The Creation of Israel in 1948

10.Causes and Effects of the Korean War

11.Causes and Effects of the Vietnam War

12.NASA and the Cold War

13.CIA vs. KGB during the Cold War

Asia Post WWII DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Asia Post WWII Timeline

2. Key Players in Asia Post WWII

3. Japan Post WWII

4. China Post WWII

5. Cultural Revolution in China

6. Korea Post WWII

7. Vietnam Post WWII

8. Natural Disasters in Asia Post WWII

Africa Post WWII DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Africa Post WWII Timeline

2. Key Players in Africa Post WWII

3. Natural Disasters in Africa Post WWII

4. Apartheid in Africa Post WWII

5. North Africa Post WWII

6. South Africa Post WWII

7. Challenges in Africa Post WWII

8. Economy of Africa Post WWII

Middle East Post WWII DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. The Middle East Post WWII Timeline

2. Key Players in the Middle East Post WWII

3. Natural Disasters in the Middle East Post WWII

4. Conflict in the Middle East Post WWII

5. The Gulf War or the Persian Gulf War

6. Afghanistan

Latin America Post WWII DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Latin America Post WWII Timeline

2. Key Players in Latin America Post WWII

3. Natural Disasters in Latin America Post WWII

4. Latin America Dictators Post WWII

5. Argentina Post WWII

6. Cuban Revolution Post WWII

7. Pros and Cons of NAFTA

Modern Times DBQ Close Readings in Google and Print

1. Modern Technology Timeline

2. Scientific Advances Since 1970

3. Current Events Chart

4. World Leaders Since 1980

5. War on Terrorism

6. Human Rights Around the World

7. The Use of AI Technology (Artificial Intelligence)


  • Content Area Original Readings, Timelines, Graphic Organizers, & Poems
  • Reading Comprehension Questions
  • Writing Prompts
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Google Classroom Link
  • Answer Key

Perfect for:

  • Common Core support in any content area classroom.
  • Background Information: Clear, concise background information.
  • Test Prep: Reading and summaries to review key content.
  • AP TEST REVIEW: Document based questions/reading practice. DBQs
  • Lesson Planning: Use this packet to guide your lesson planning and ensure you include primary source reading and writing, which are common core skills.
  • Substitute Lessons (No Prep): Zero prep substitute lessons that guide students through key content and reading practice.
  • Bellwork or Ticket Out: Great to begin or end a lesson.
  • Homework: Great homework readings to trigger content knowledge and reading practice.

Aligned to Common Core Standards Comprehension Questions Aligned to Reading

  • Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
  • Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
  • Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.
  • Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style.
  • Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).
  • Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints.
  • Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
  • Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
  • Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. 
Thank you for your support! --Learned Lessons 







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